30.01.2009, 19:31
instead of having this saved on notepad, you could change it to on a pawno filterscript (just have include <sa-mp> (or whatever) at the top and put the commands under:
OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdext[])
also shadowww you don't need to make such a big fuss when all you or he has to add to the teleports is:
if the player is in a vehicle, put after setvehiclepos:
if the player isnt in a vehicle, put after setplayerpos:
OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdext[])
also shadowww you don't need to make such a big fuss when all you or he has to add to the teleports is:
if the player is in a vehicle, put after setvehiclepos:
new VID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); SetVehicleVirtualWorld(VID,0);