Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC


there would be a PC release if a large enough market existed
This must be a joke. The market is huge!
Rockstar Games, what the hell is wrong with you.

Messages In This Thread
Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Sting. - 20.11.2012, 11:08
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Plovix - 20.11.2012, 11:26
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Red_Dragon. - 20.11.2012, 11:57
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by ColorHost-Kevin - 20.11.2012, 12:10
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Si|ent - 20.11.2012, 12:19
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Threshold - 20.11.2012, 12:21
AW: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Drebin - 20.11.2012, 12:22
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by Infinity - 20.11.2012, 12:48
Re: AW: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by V1ceC1ty - 20.11.2012, 13:03
Re: Petition|Rockstar:Release GTA V on PC - by MP2 - 20.11.2012, 15:13

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