[BUG]: Server crashes randomly with unloadfs

Ok, our server uses rotating filterscripts to load missions and for some time we've noticed at random time the server will crash and restart for no apparent reason sometimes this happens after a few filterscript loads/unloads sometimes it could take hundreds. Anyways I tried the crash plugin today and the results of one of these crashes was interesting from the best of my knowledge the error is pointing to samp-server it's self. I've included the unload code which is clearly able to finish.

Crash results:

[15:29:30] Filterscript 'Hunted.amx' loaded.
[15:30:28] EMDraws
[15:30:28] EMDraws - GetKills
[15:30:28] EMDraws - Sortlist
[15:30:28] EMDraws - TopKillTextUpdate
[15:30:28] EMDraws - Showall
[15:30:33] Unloading Mission FS
[15:30:33] Filterscript 'Hunted.amx' unloaded.
[15:30:33] Unloaded Mission FS
[15:30:33] Mission Clock Clear
[15:30:33] Unload FS Done
[15:30:33] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[15:30:33] [debug] System backtrace:
[15:30:33] [debug] #0 b7cc90f3 in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[15:30:33] [debug] #1 b7cc0b61 in _ZN11crashdetect20PrintSystemBacktraceEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[15:30:33] [debug] #2 b7cc3441 in _ZN11crashdetect15SystemExceptionEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[15:30:33] [debug] #3 b7cc8c42 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[15:30:33] [debug] #4 b7d40618 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
[15:30:33] [debug] #5 b7eff442 in _ZSt18_Rb_tree_incrementPSt18_Rb_tree_node_base () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
[15:30:33] [debug] #6 080e5de4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr-test
[15:30:33] [debug] #7 080ad78b in ?? () from ./samp03svr-test
[15:30:33] [debug] #8 080a8fb3 in ?? () from ./samp03svr-test
[15:30:33] [debug] #9 b7d2cc96 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6
[15:30:33] [debug] #10 0804b491 in ?? () from ./samp03svr-test

Normal results:

[15:57:41] Filterscript 'Hunted.amx' loaded.
[15:57:44] EMDraws
[15:57:44] EMDraws - GetKills
[15:57:44] EMDraws - Sortlist
[15:57:44] EMDraws - TopKillTextUpdate
[15:57:44] EMDraws - Showall
[15:57:49] Unloading Mission FS
[15:57:49] Filterscript 'Hunted.amx' unloaded.
[15:57:49] Unloaded Mission FS
[15:57:49] Mission Clock Clear
[15:57:49] Unload FS Done
[15:57:55] Deleting Objects
[15:57:55] Done Deleting Objects
[15:57:55] EMDraws - Hide For All
[15:57:55] Hid all draws
[15:57:55] Cleared Mission Textdraws
[15:58:06] Loading Indians

Unload FS routine

	print("Unloading Mission FS");
	print("Unloaded Mission FS");
	SetTimer("DeleteMapObjects", 5000, false);
	if(ClockIsPaused == 1) ClearMissionClock();
	print("Mission Clock Clear");
	MaxKillsReached = 0;
    SpawnsPerTeam = 0;
    BombHasExploded = 0;
	ScoreTies = 0;
    TeamScores[1] = 0;
    TeamScores[2] = 0;
    TeamScores[3] = 0;
    TeamScores[4] = 0;
    SendRconCommand("mapname Loading");

	foreach(new i : Player)
 		HideMenuForPlayer(TeamSelect, i);
 		TeamSelectMenuOpen[i] = 0;
		PlayerDidStartBomb[i] = 0;
		PlayerTeam[i] = 0;
		LMSDied[i] = 0;
		SetPlayerTeam(i , i + 1);//:D
 		MissionKills[i] = 0;
 		MissionDeaths[i] = 0;

		if(PlayingMissions[i] == 1 && TeamSelectMenuOpen[i] == 0) 
			PlayerWantsGunsBack[i] = 1;
   	print("Unload FS Done");

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	SetWeather(90);//black night ( standard )
  	if(ThePrey != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) SetPlayerColor(ThePrey,ThePreyColor);
	StartFs( "Indians" , 15 );
    SendClientMessageToAll(0x66ff00FF, "Hunted Unloaded.");
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
[BUG]: Server crashes randomly with unloadfs - by Pottus - 17.11.2012, 19:48
Re: [BUG]: Server crashes randomly with unloadfs - by Pottus - 18.11.2012, 03:08
AW: Re: [BUG]: Server crashes randomly with unloadfs - by Mellnik - 18.11.2012, 13:13
Re: [BUG]: Server crashes randomly with unloadfs - by Pottus - 18.11.2012, 16:19

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