17.11.2012, 03:28
(Click the image to see it fullscreen)
I've got this problem. No matter what color I change it to, it stays that exact color and transparency. Here's the code I use;
pawn Код:
if( response )
if( isnull( inputtext ) || strlen( inputtext ) > 14 )
cStr [ 32 ],
iStr [ 128 ];
format( cStr, 32, "Editing: Entrance #%d", plEditingEntrance [ playerid ] );
format( iStr, 128, ""#I_RoyalBlue"Current Colour: "#I_White"%s\n\nEntry Point colour is the colour that you see the pickup text as.", EntranceInfo [ plEditingEntrance[ playerid ] ] [ Colour ] );
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_ENTRANCES_EDIT_COLOUR, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, cStr, iStr, "Change", "Back" );
return false;
Str [ 128 ];
format( EntranceInfo [ plEditingEntrance [ playerid ] ] [ Colour ], 15, inputtext );
SaveEntrance( plEditingEntrance [ playerid ] );
LoadEntrance( plEditingEntrance [ playerid ] );
format( Str, 128, "* Entry Point #"#I_LimeGreen"%d's "#I_White"colour has been set to "#I_RoyalBlue"%s", plEditingEntrance [ playerid ], inputtext );
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, Str );