SA-MP on multiple displays

Not via the normal settings, but there are tools that merge multiple displays to one big virtual one, that could be used to stretch games to more than one monitor (******, i dont got one on my hand right now). However I think you cant set custom resolutions for SA, as you would need to double/triple the width, the game would just be stretched a lot and look damn ugly.
Also, playing games on 2 monitors mostly is crap, as the middle(crosshair would be right on the corner between the two monitors and make aiming a pain. 3/9(3x3 if you got too much money and too much room) are the common playable multidisplay layouts.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP on multiple displays - by Johnson_boy - 11.11.2012, 20:27
Re: SA-MP on multiple displays - by Mauzen - 11.11.2012, 20:32
Re: SA-MP on multiple displays - by Johnson_boy - 11.11.2012, 20:42

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