11.11.2012, 13:03
I tried to do this in spite of the way but still I can not. you do not know what's wrong?
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++){ if(GetPlayerMoney(i) > GetPlayerMoney(i)){ new msg[128]; format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Player %s | Max money: $%d",PlayerName(i), GetPlayerMoney(i)); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, msg); }} |
i would like to inform that your above codes a a bit epic fail coz you made a loop on the SendClientMessage so it will be sending message like MAX_PLAYERS times and make a object named msg[128] MAX_PLAYERS times and in your loop you just compared that the player have more cash than what he haves

sorrry if you didnt liked the way i told i was just informing you