The player with the money

Originally Posted by Ludek
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I tried to do this in spite of the way but still I can not. you do not know what's wrong?

	for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++){
			if(GetPlayerMoney(i) > GetPlayerMoney(i)){
                        new msg[128];
		  	format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Player %s | Max money: $%d",PlayerName(i), GetPlayerMoney(i));
		   	SendClientMessageToAll(-1, msg);
well sir,
i would like to inform that your above codes a a bit epic fail coz you made a loop on the SendClientMessage so it will be sending message like MAX_PLAYERS times and make a object named msg[128] MAX_PLAYERS times and in your loop you just compared that the player have more cash than what he haves well it will be always falls.
sorrry if you didnt liked the way i told i was just informing you

Messages In This Thread
The player with the money - by Ludek - 03.11.2012, 14:55
Re: The player with the money - by Glad2BeHere - 03.11.2012, 15:01
Re: The player with the money - by Ludek - 03.11.2012, 15:03
Re: The player with the money - by Abhishek. - 03.11.2012, 15:10
Re: The player with the money - by Backwardsman97 - 03.11.2012, 15:11
Re: The player with the money - by Abhishek. - 03.11.2012, 15:15
Re: The player with the money - by Ludek - 11.11.2012, 12:24
Re: The player with the money - by Konstantinos - 11.11.2012, 12:52
Re: The player with the money - by Ludek - 11.11.2012, 13:03
Re: The player with the money - by Abhishek. - 11.11.2012, 13:03

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