GTX 650 freezing

Okay, so this has been happening for a while now. When I go ingame in sa:mp, Saints row the third and other games, it crashes after a while or freezes then gets back to normal or just keeps lagging really bad. MY driver is up to date. Please if you know anyway to fix this, tell me.Temperatures are 25-45 celsium

Messages In This Thread
GTX 650 freezing - by BenMArs - 11.11.2012, 07:44
Re: GTX 650 freezing - by playbox12 - 11.11.2012, 12:49
Re: GTX 650 freezing - by BlackBank - 11.11.2012, 13:50
Re: GTX 650 freezing - by BenMArs - 11.11.2012, 17:33
Re: GTX 650 freezing - by Mauzen - 11.11.2012, 17:40
Re: GTX 650 freezing - by Jakku - 12.11.2012, 05:01

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