anti cheat problem

hey guys im using an anti cheat system but im in a problem idk how to add lux admin with it whenever i use the cmd /setcash it bans me whenever i uses heal cmd i get banned whenever i set my weapon i get banned
or i use any admin cmd
it bans me.. and other players

please help me im in a great problem

im using this anti cheat system look here below or see the attachment


#include <a_samp>
#include <float>
#include <zcmd>
#include <foreach>
#include <The_FreeRoam>

#define RED 0xFF0000FF
#define MAX_LEN 32
#define MAX_ENTRY 120
#define forum ""//type here your forum adress
#define MAXAFK 900 // change this if you want more/less than 15 minutes (1 minute = 60 seconds | 15 minutes = 900 seconds)

static reci[MAX_ENTRY][MAX_LEN];

new ime[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // player's name
new Zastita[MAX_PLAYERS]; // protection for player
new Skakuce[MAX_PLAYERS]; // how much time he has buny jumping
new Pokusaji[MAX_PLAYERS];// how much time player is tried to login as rcon
new Novac1[MAX_PLAYERS]; // player's money, if player have more money then it is in this variable, ac wil react
new OpomenaNovca[MAX_PLAYERS]; // if he get 3 warning, player will be Banned
new FlyOpomena[MAX_PLAYERS];// if it's on 1, player will get kick
new Spawnovan[MAX_PLAYERS]; // help for protecting player
new Float:Pozicija[MAX_PLAYERS][3]; // position on player is
new Float:AutoHelti[MAX_PLAYERS]; // vehicel health
new kikovan[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new MuteIgraca[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // check if player is muted
new IgracSpamuje[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // is player spamming
new PrvaSpamOpomena[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // does player have alerdy spam warning
new AFK[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // is player afk
new AFK2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // is player afk
new VP = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - too high ping (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new PJP = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti jet pack (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new ZO = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - bad weapons (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new RCONZ = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - rcon protection (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new ZR = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti swear (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new DBP = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - Anti Drive BY (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new BHP = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti bunny hop (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new MPing = 700; //this is max ping, change this if you want!
new PAB = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti airbrake (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new NN = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti money hack (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new NH = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti health hack (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new NA = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti armour hack (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new NT = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti interior teleport (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new FP = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti fly hack (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new ANT = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti teleport[1] (****** menu) (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new ANT2 = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti teleport[2] (map) (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new AS = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat - anti spam (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new AAFK = 1; // you change this ingame, over command /anticheat -  anti afk (ON = 1 | OFF = 0)
new y, m, d; new h,mi,s; new ipadresa[400]; new string2[600]; new Sekunde = 0;

forward AntiCheat();
forward split(const strsrc[], strdest[][], delimiter);
forward kick(playerid);
forward nanula(playerid);

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	SetTimer("AntiCheat", 1000, 1); // DON'T CHANGE THIS, OR ANTICHEAT WILL NOT WORK
		new File:myFile,


		while(fread(myFile,line,sizeof line) && (index != MAX_ENTRY))
			if(strlen(line)>MAX_LEN) continue;
			strmid(reci[index],line,0,strlen(line),sizeof line);
	return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	Zastita[playerid] = 1; kikovan[playerid] = 0; AFK[playerid] = 0; AFK2[playerid] = 0;
	AutoHelti[playerid] = 1000; OpomenaNovca[playerid] = 0;
	MuteIgraca[playerid] = 0; IgracSpamuje[playerid] = 0;
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeTeleport", 1); 
    return 1;
public split(const strsrc[], strdest[][], delimiter)
	new i, li;
	new aNum;
	new len;
	while(i <= strlen(strsrc)){
	    if(strsrc[i]==delimiter || i==strlen(strsrc)){
	        len = strmid(strdest[aNum], strsrc, li, i, 128);
	        strdest[aNum][len] = 0;
	        li = i+1;
	return 1;
stock GetPlayerSpeed(playerid,bool:kmh) // by misco
    new Float:Vx,Float:Vy,Float:Vz,Float:rtn;
    if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) GetVehicleVelocity(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),Vx,Vy,Vz); else GetPlayerVelocity(playerid,Vx,Vy,Vz);
    rtn = floatsqroot(floatabs(floatpower(Vx + Vy + Vz,2)));
    return kmh?floatround(rtn * 100 * 1.61):floatround(rtn * 100);
stock GetDistanceToPoint(playerid,Float:x2,Float:y2,Float:z2)
	new Float:dis;
	new Float:x1,Float:y1,Float:z1;
	if (!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return -1;
	dis = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(x2,x1)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(y2,y1)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(z2,z1)),2));
	return floatround(dis);
stock KodSprunk(playerid)
	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2420.219, 984.578, 44.297)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2420.180, 985.945, 44.297)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2225.203, -1153.422, 1025.906)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2576.703, -1284.430, 1061.094)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2155.906, 1606.773, 1000.055)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2209.906, 1607.195, 1000.055)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2222.203, 1606.773, 1000.055)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 495.969, -24.320, 1000.734)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 501.828, -1.430, 1000.734)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 373.828, -178.141, 1000.734)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 330.680, 178.500, 1020.070)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 331.922, 178.500, 1020.070)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 350.906, 206.086, 1008.477)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 361.563, 158.617, 1008.477)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 371.594, 178.453, 1020.070)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 374.891, 188.977, 1008.477)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2155.844, 1607.875, 1000.063)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2202.453, 1617.008, 1000.063)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2209.242, 1621.211, 1000.063)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2222.367, 1602.641, 1000.063)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 500.563, -1.367, 1000.734)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 379.039, -178.883, 1000.734)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2480.86,-1959.27,12.9609)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1634.11,-2237.53,12.8906)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2139.52,-1161.48,23.3594)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2153.23,-1016.15,62.2344)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -1350.12,493.859,10.5859)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2229.19,286.414,34.7031)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1659.46,1722.86,10.2188)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2647.7,1129.66,10.2188)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2845.73,1295.05,10.7891)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1398.84,2222.61,10.4219)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -1455.12,2591.66,55.2344)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -76.0312,1227.99,19.125)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 662.43,-552.164,15.7109)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -253.742,2599.76,62.2422)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2271.73,-76.4609,25.9609)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1789.21,-1369.27,15.1641)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1729.79,-1943.05,12.9453)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2060.12,-1897.64,12.9297)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1928.73,-1772.45,12.9453)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2325.98,-1645.13,14.2109)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2352.18,-1357.16,23.7734)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1154.73,-1460.89,15.1562)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -1350.12,492.289,10.5859)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2118.97,-423.648,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2118.62,-422.414,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2097.27,-398.336,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2092.09,-490.055,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2063.27,-490.055,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2005.65,-490.055,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2034.46,-490.055,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2068.56,-398.336,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2039.85,-398.336,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -2011.14,-398.336,34.7266)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -1980.79,142.664,27.0703)) return 1;
 	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2319.99,2532.85,10.2188)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1520.15,1055.27,10.00)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2503.14,1243.7,10.2188)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 2085.77,2071.36,10.4531)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -862.828,1536.61,21.9844)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -14.7031,1175.36,18.9531)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, -253.742,2597.95,62.2422)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 201.016,-107.617,0.898438)) return 1;
	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, 1277.84,372.516,18.9531)) return 1;
	else return 0;
//-------------------[ANTI BUNNY HOP]------------------
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
new string[128];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
if(BHP == 1)
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AdminProtect") == 0)
if((newkeys & KEY_UP && newkeys & KEY_JUMP) || (newkeys & KEY_UP && newkeys & KEY_SPRINT && newkeys & KEY_JUMP))
                    Skakuce[playerid] ++;
				    if(Skakuce[playerid] == 30)
					    SendClientMessage(playerid,YELLOW, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} First warning for Bunny Hop, after 4 warnings, you will be Banned!");
					else if(Skakuce[playerid] == 45)
						SendClientMessage(playerid,YELLOW, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} First warning for Bunny Hop, after 4 warnings, you will be Banned!");
					else if(Skakuce[playerid] == 65)
						SendClientMessage(playerid,YELLOW, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} First warning for Bunny Hop, after 4 warnings, you will be Banned!");
						SetTimerEx("nanula",180000, false, "i", playerid);
					else if(Skakuce[playerid] == 80)
						SendClientMessage(playerid,YELLOW, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} First warning for Bunny Hop, after 4 warnings, you will be Banned!");
						SetTimerEx("nanula",180000, false, "i", playerid);
					else if(Skakuce[playerid] == 100)
					if(kikovan[playerid] == 0)
    			    	kikovan[playerid] = 1;
						GetPlayerName(playerid, ime, sizeof(ime));
						GetPlayerIp(playerid, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
						format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for 4/4 Bunny hop warnings.", ime);
						SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
						SendClientMessage(playerid,YELLOW, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You are Banned for 4/4 Bunny Hop warnings.");
						format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} 4/4 Bunny HOp warnings\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
						ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "Ok");
						format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Bunny Hop",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
						SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", playerid);
return 1;
//---------------------------[ANTI DRIVE BY]-----------------------
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	new string[128];
	if(DBP == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			if(GetPlayerState(killerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
    			if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(killerid)) != 425 || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(killerid)) != 520 || GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(killerid)) != 432)
    				if(kikovan[killerid] == 0)
    			   		kikovan[killerid] = 1;
    					GetPlayerName(killerid, ime, sizeof(ime));
    					GetPlayerIp(killerid, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
						format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for DB-Drive By", ime);
						SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
						format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Drive By\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
						ShowPlayerDialog(killerid, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "Ok");
						format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for DriveBy",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
						SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", killerid);
	return 1;
//------------------------------[RCON PROTECTION]-------------------
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
	if(RCONZ == 1)
 			new p2[16]; new string[176];
    		foreach(Player, i)
        		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
	    			GetPlayerIp(i, p2, sizeof(p2));
     				if(!strcmp(ip, p2, true))
						GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
	        			if(Pokusaji[i] != 3)
							Pokusaji[i] ++;
							SendClientMessage(i,RED, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} Wrong Password ! If you type wrong password for more that 3 time, you will be baned!!");
							if(kikovan[i] == 0)
    			    			kikovan[i] = 1;
								GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
								GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
								format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been banned because 3/3 warning for Bad RCON password", ime);
								SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
								format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} 3/3 RCON Warnings\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
								ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
								format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has banned %s because 3/3 RCON bad password warnings.",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
    return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	Spawnovan[playerid] = 1;
	Skakuce[playerid] = 0;
	Novac1[playerid] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
	OpomenaNovca[playerid] = 0;
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeTeleport", 1);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeInt", GetPlayerInterior(playerid));
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeVW", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
	return 1;

stock SetPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	Skakuce[playerid] = 0;
	OpomenaNovca[playerid] = 0;
	Novac1[playerid] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeTeleport", 1);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeInt", GetPlayerInterior(playerid));
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "SafeVW", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
	return 1;
public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[])
    new string[128];
	if(ZR == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AdminProtect") == 0)
 			for(new i=0; i<MAX_ENTRY; i++)
 	    		if(!reci[i][0]) continue;
	if(AS == 1)
	    if(MuteIgraca[playerid] != 0)
	    	format(string, sizeof(string), "%s You can't talk, you are muted for %d seconds.",MuteIgraca[playerid]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, string);
			return 0;
		if(IgracSpamuje[playerid] >= 7)
		    if(PrvaSpamOpomena[playerid] == 0)
		        PrvaSpamOpomena[playerid] = 1; IgracSpamuje[playerid] = 0;
		        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s You will be muted if you don't stop with spam/",MuteIgraca[playerid]);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, string);
				return 1;
		    MuteIgraca[playerid] = 120; IgracSpamuje[playerid] = 0;
		    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s You are muted on 120 seconds for spaming",acime);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, string);
			return 0;
	return 1;
stock Letelica(carid)// here are all airplanes and vehicles what will anti speed hack ignore
    new v = GetVehicleModel(carid);
    if(v == 593 || v == 592 || v == 577 || v == 553 || v == 520 || v == 519 || v == 511|| v == 460 || v == 563 || v == 548 || v == 497 || v == 488 || v == 487 || v == 469 || v == 447 || v == 417)
		return 1;
	return 0;
stock StripNewLine(str[])
	new l = strlen(str);
	while (l-- && str[l] <= ' ') str[l] = '\0';

stock Cenzura(string[],word[],destch='*')
	new start_index=(-1),

	if(start_index==(-1)) return false;

	for( ; start_index<end_index; start_index++)

	return true;
public kick(playerid)
	return 1;

public nanula(playerid)
	if(Skakuce[playerid] >= 65 && Skakuce[playerid] < 76)
		Skakuce[playerid] = 0;
	return 1;
stock log(string[])
	new entry[200];
	format(entry, sizeof(entry), "%s\r\n",string);
	new File:hFile;
	hFile = fopen("AC-FS/log.log", io_append);
	fwrite(hFile, entry);
stock SnimiAC()
	new string[228];
	format(string, sizeof(string), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",VP,PJP,ZO,RCONZ,ZR,DBP,BHP,PAB,NN,NH,NA,NT,FP,ANT,ANT2,AS,AAFK);
	new File: file2 = fopen("AC-FS/anticheat.ini", io_write);
	fwrite(file2, string);
	return 1;
stock UcitajAC()
	new arrCoords[19][64];
	new strFromFile2[128];
	new File: file = fopen("AC-FS/anticheat.ini", io_read);
	if (file)
		fread(file, strFromFile2);
		split(strFromFile2, arrCoords, ',');
		VP = strval(arrCoords[0]);
		PJP = strval(arrCoords[1]);
		ZO = strval(arrCoords[3]);
		RCONZ = strval(arrCoords[4]);
		ZR = strval(arrCoords[5]);
		DBP = strval(arrCoords[6]);
		BHP = strval(arrCoords[7]);
		PAB = strval(arrCoords[8]);
		NN = strval(arrCoords[9]);
		NH = strval(arrCoords[10]);
		NA = strval(arrCoords[11]);
		NT = strval(arrCoords[12]);
		FP = strval(arrCoords[13]);
		ANT = strval(arrCoords[14]);
		ANT2 = strval(arrCoords[15]);
		AS = strval(arrCoords[17]);
		AAFK  = strval(arrCoords[18]);
		fopen("AC/anticheat.ini", io_write);
		print("Sothing is not ok");
	return 1;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
		new Float:vhelti; Zastita[playerid] = 2;
	 	GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), vhelti);
     	AutoHelti[playerid] = vhelti;
	return 1;
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
	if(AFK[playerid] > 2)
    	AFK[playerid] = 0;
    	AFK2[playerid] = 0;
    	return 1;
	return 1;
//=====================[START OF ALL OTHER DETECTIONS]=====================
public AntiCheat()
new string[428];
foreach(Player, i)
	if(Spawnovan[i] == 1)
		if(Zastita[i] != 0)
	    	Zastita[i]++; Novac1[i] = GetPlayerMoney(i);
			SetPVarInt(i, "SafeVW", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i));
			SetPVarInt(i, "SafeInt", GetPlayerInterior(i));
			SetPVarInt(i, "SafeTeleport", 0);
			new Float:Helti; new Float:Armor;
			GetPlayerArmour(i, Armor);
			new Float:TelX; new Float:TelY; new Float:TelZ;
			GetPlayerPos(i, TelX, TelY, TelZ);
			Pozicija[i][0] = TelX; Pozicija[i][1] = TelY; Pozicija[i][2] = TelZ;
			new Float:vhelti;
	 		GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), vhelti);
     		if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
	    		AutoHelti[i] = vhelti;
	    	if(Zastita[i] == 3)
	    		Zastita[i] = 0;
	if(Sekunde == 3)
	    new Float:TelX; new Float:TelY; new Float:TelZ;
	    GetPlayerPos(i, TelX, TelY, TelZ);
		Pozicija[i][0] = TelX;
    	Pozicija[i][1] = TelY;
     	Pozicija[i][2] = TelZ;
     	new Float:vhelti;
	 	GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), vhelti);
     	if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
	    	AutoHelti[i] = vhelti;
		if(MuteIgraca[i] == 0)
			IgracSpamuje[i] = 0;
     	Sekunde = 0;
 	if(MuteIgraca[i] != 0)
 	    if(PrvaSpamOpomena[i] != 0)
 	    	PrvaSpamOpomena[i] = 0;
//=====================[TOO HIGH PING]=====================
	if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
		if(VP == 0)
			new ping = GetPlayerPing(i);
			if(ping > MPing)
	    		if(Zastita[i] == 0 && kikovan[i] == 0)
	    		    kikovan[i] = 1;
			    	GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
			    	GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
					format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Too High Ping : [%d/%d]", ime,ping,MPing);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
					format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Too High Ping [%d/%d]\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ping,MPing,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Too High Ping [%d/%d]",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime,ping,MPing);
					SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//=====================[BAD WEAPON CHECK]=====================
	new oruzije; new municija;
	if(ZO == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			for (new c = 0; c < 13; c++)
				GetPlayerWeaponData(i, c, oruzije, municija);
				if (oruzije != 0 && municija != 0 && kikovan[i] == 0)
					new o = GetPlayerWeapon(i);
					GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
					GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
					if(o == 1||o == 8||o == 9||o == 16||o == 17||o == 18||o == 40||o == 35||o == 36||o == 37||o == 38) // CHANGE IF YOU WANT
            			new oru = GetPlayerWeapon(i); new imeoruzija[24]; kikovan[i] = 1;
						GetWeaponName(oru,imeoruzija, sizeof(imeoruzija));
						format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for possession of: %s",ime,imeoruzija);
						SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
						format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,imeoruzija,ipadresa,forum);
						ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
						format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for possession of Bad Weapons: %s",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime,imeoruzija);
						SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//=====================[ANTI JETPACK]=====================
	if(PJP == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			new jp = GetPlayerSpecialAction(i);
			if (jp == SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK && kikovan[i] == 0)
				GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime)); kikovan[i] = 1;
				GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
				format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s je has been Banned for using JetPack", ime);
				SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
				format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} JetPack\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
				ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for using JetPack",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//=====================[ANTI AIR BRAKE]=====================
	if(PAB == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			if(GetDistanceToPoint(i,Pozicija[i][0],Pozicija[i][1],Pozicija[i][2]) > 220 && Zastita[i] == 0 && GetPlayerInterior(i) == 0 && kikovan[i] == 0 && GetPVarInt(i, "SafeTeleport") == 0 && AFK2[i] == 0)
			new ankategorija[320]; new anime[320];
    		GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
			GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
			if(strcmp(anime,"RUN_PLAYER", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"PED", false ) == 0)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for AirBrake.", ime);
				SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string); kikovan[i] = 1;
				format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} AirBrake\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
				ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for AirBrake",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
			if(strcmp(anime,"WALK_PLAYER", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"PED", false ) == 0)
			    format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for AirBrake", ime);
				SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string); kikovan[i] = 1;
				format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} AirBrake\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
				ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for AirBrake",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//=====================[ANTI MONEY HACK]=====================
	if(NN == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			new novac = GetPlayerMoney(i);
			if(GetPVarInt(i, "SafeMoney") == 0 && novac > Novac1[i] && Zastita[i] == 0 && kikovan[i] == 0)
            	GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
				SendClientMessage(i,YELLOW, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} Your money has been reseted on normal value, because you are using Money Cheats");
				ResetPlayerMoney (i);
				AC_BS_GivePlayerMoney (i, Novac1[i]);
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has reseted %s money for using Money Hack-a",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				if(OpomenaNovca[i] == 3)
					ResetPlayerMoney (i); kikovan[i] = 1;
					AC_BS_GivePlayerMoney (i, Novac1[i]);
					GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
		    		GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
		    		format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Money Hack-a(3/3 warnings).", ime);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
		    		format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} 3/3 Money Hack Warnings\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for max Money Hack warnings (3x money hacking)",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
					SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
			if(GetPVarInt(i, "SafeMoney") == 1)
				Zastita[i] = 1;
				Novac1[i] = GetPlayerMoney(i);
				SetPVarInt(i, "SafeMoney", 0);
//=====================[ANTI HEALTH HACK]=====================
	if(NH == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			new Float:Helti;
			if(Helti < GetPVarFloat(i, "SafeHealth"))
			if(GetPVarFloat(i, "HealthProtection") == 1)
				Zastita[i] = 1;
			if(Helti > GetPVarFloat(i, "SafeHealth") && Zastita[i] == 0 && kikovan[i] == 0 && !KodSprunk(i))
		    	GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime)); kikovan[i] = 1;
		    	GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
				format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Health Hack.", ime);
				SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
				format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Health Hack\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
				ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Health Hack",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//=====================[ANTI ARMOUR HACK]================
	if(NA == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			new Float:Armor;
			GetPlayerArmour(i, Armor);
			if(Armor < GetPVarFloat(i, "SafeArmour"))
			if(GetPVarFloat(i, "ArmourProtection") == 1)
				Zastita[i] = 1;
			if(Armor > GetPVarFloat(i, "SafeArmour") && Zastita[i] == 0 && kikovan[i] == 0)
		    	GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime)); kikovan[i] = 1;
		    	GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
				format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Armour Hack.", ime);
				SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
				format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Armour Hack\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
				ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Armour Hack",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//====================[ANTI INTERIOR HACK]======================
	if(NT == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
		    if(GetPVarInt(i, "SafeTeleport") == 1)
			    Zastita[i] = 1;
			    SetPVarInt(i, "SafeVW", GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i));
			    SetPVarInt(i, "SafeInt", GetPlayerInterior(i));
				SetPVarInt(i, "SafeTeleport", 0);
	 		if(Zastita[i] == 0 && GetPVarInt(i, "SafeTeleport") == 0 && GetPVarInt(i, "SafeInt") != GetPlayerInterior(i))
				GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime));
  				GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
		    	if(kikovan[i] == 0)
		    	    kikovan[i] = 1;
					format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s je kikovan zbog Interior Hack-a.", ime);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
					format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Interior Hack\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Interior Hack",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
					SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//=====================[ANTI FLY HACK]=====================
	if(FP == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
			new Float:FlyPozicijaZ; new Float:FlyPozicijaY; new Float:FlyPozicijaX;
			new ankategorija[320]; new anime[320]; new Float:helti2;
			GetPlayerPos(i, FlyPozicijaX, FlyPozicijaY, FlyPozicijaZ);
			GetPlayerName(i, ime, sizeof(ime)); GetPlayerHealth(i,helti2);
			GetPlayerIp(i, ipadresa, sizeof(ipadresa));
			if(strcmp(anime,"SWIM_CRAWL", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"SWIM", false ) == 0)
				if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) && FlyPozicijaZ > 100 && helti2 > 2 && Zastita[i] == 0)
					FlyOpomena[i] = 1;
			if(strcmp(anime,"SWIM_BREAST", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"SWIM", false ) == 0)
				if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) && FlyPozicijaZ > 100 && helti2 > 2 && Zastita[i] == 0)
					FlyOpomena[i] = 1;
			if(strcmp(anime,"SWIM_TREAD", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"SWIM", false ) == 0)
				if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) && FlyPozicijaZ > 100 && helti2 > 2 && Zastita[i] == 0)
					FlyOpomena[i] = 1;
			if(FlyOpomena[i]== 1 && kikovan[i] == 0)
			    kikovan[i] = 1;
				format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Fly Hack", ime);
				SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
				format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Fly Hack\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
				ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
				format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Fly Hack",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
				FlyOpomena[i] = 0;
				SetTimerEx("kick",5, false, "i", i);
//======================================[ANTI TELEPORT]==============================
 	if(ANT == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
		    new Float:TePoZ; new Float:TePoY; new Float:TePoX;
			GetPlayerPos(i, TePoX, TePoY, TePoZ);
			if(GetDistanceToPoint(i,Pozicija[i][0],Pozicija[i][1],Pozicija[i][2]) > 220 && Zastita[i] == 0 && GetPlayerInterior(i) == 0 && TePoZ >= 1 && !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 35, 131.7287,-67.8546,1.5781) && kikovan[i] == 0 && GetPVarInt(i, "SafeTeleport") == 0 && AFK2[i] == 0)
			    new ankategorija[320]; new anime[320];
				if(strcmp(anime,"FALL_FALL", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"PED", false ) == 0)
					return 1;
				if(strcmp(anime,"RUN_PLAYER", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"PED", false ) == 0)
					return 1;
				if(strcmp(anime,"WALK_PLAYER", false ) == 0 && strcmp(ankategorija,"PED", false ) == 0)
					return 1;
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1935.77, 228.79, 34.16)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2707.48, 218.65, 4.9)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2645.61, -2029.15, 14.28)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1041.26, -1036.77, 32.48)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2387.55, 1035.70, 11.56)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1836.93, -1856.28, 14.13)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2006.11, 2292.87, 11.57)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1787.25, 1202.00, 25.84)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 720.10, -470.93, 17.07)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1420.21, 2599.45, 56.43)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -100.16, 1100.79, 20.34)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2078.44, -1831.44, 14.13)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2426.89, 1036.61, 51.14)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1957.96, 2161.96, 11.56)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 488.29, -1724.85, 12.01)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1025.08, -1037.28, 32.28)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2393.70, 1472.80, 11.42)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1904.97, 268.51, 41.04)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 403.58, 2486.33, 17.23)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1578.24, 1245.20, 11.57)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2105.79, 905.11, 77.07)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 423.69, 2545.99, 17.07)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 785.79, -513.12, 17.44)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2027.34, 141.02, 29.57)||
    			IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1698.10, -2095.88, 14.29)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -361.10, 1185.23, 20.49)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2463.27, -124.86, 26.41)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2505.64, -1683.72, 14.25)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1350.76, -615.56, 109.88)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2231.64, 156.93, 27.63)
				    kikovan[i] = 1;
	    			format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Teleport Hack[1]", ime);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
					format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Teleport Hack[1]\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Teleport Hack[1]",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
					SetTimerEx("kick",5, false, "i", i);
				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2695.51, 810.70, 50.57) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1293.61, 2529.54, 11.42)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1401.34, 1903.08, 11.99)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2436.50, 698.43, 11.60)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 322.65, -1780.30, 5.55)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 917.46, 2012.14, 11.65)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1641.14, -1526.87, 14.30)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1617.58, 688.69, -4.50)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 837.05, -1101.93, 23.98)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2338.32, -1180.61, 1027.98)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -975.5766, 1061.1312, 1345.6719)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -750.80, 491.00, 1371.70)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1400.2138, 106.8926, 1032.2779)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2015.6638, 147.2069, 29.3127)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2220.26, -1148.01, 1025.80)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2660.6185, 1426.8320, 907.3626)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1394.20, 987.62, 1023.96)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1410.72, 1591.16, 1052.53)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 315.8561, 1024.4964, 1949.7973)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2536.08, -1632.98, 13.79)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1992.93, 1047.31, 10.82)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2033.00, -1416.02, 16.99)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2653.11, 634.78, 14.45)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1580.22, 1768.93, 10.82)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -1550.73, 99.29, 17.33)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2057.8000, 229.9000, 35.6204)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2366.0000, -1667.4000, 484.1011)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 2503.7000, -1705.8000, 13.5480)||
				IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 1997.9000, 1056.3000, 10.8203)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -2872.7000, 2712.6001, 275.2690)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, 904.1000, 608.0000, -32.3281)||IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, -236.9000, 2663.8000, 73.6513)
				    kikovan[i] = 1;
					format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Teleport Hack[1]", ime);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
					format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Teleport Hack[1]\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Teleport Hack[1]",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
					SetTimerEx("kick",5, false, "i", i);
				if(ANT2 == 1)
				    kikovan[i] = 1;
					format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for Teleport Hack[2]", ime);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
					format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Teleport Hack[2]\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for Teleport Hack[2]",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
					SetTimerEx("kick",5, false, "i", i);
	//==================================[ANTI AFK]=======================
	if(AAFK == 1)
		if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
		    if(AFK[i] >= 13 && AFK2[i] == 0)
		        AFK2[i] = 1;
			if(AFK[i] > MAXAFK)
			    if(kikovan[i] == 0)
		    		kikovan[i] = 1;
					format(string, sizeof(string), "[The FreeRoam]:{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s has been Banned for AFK (%d minutes)", ime, MAXAFK/60);
					SendClientMessageToAll(RED, string);
					format(string2, sizeof(string2),"{CD0000}Banned!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} AFK (%d minutes)\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n \n{CD0000}If you think that you are Banned for no reason,\n press F8 and report mistake on forums.\n Web Site: %s",ime,MAXAFK/60,ipadresa,forum);
					ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}[The FreeRoam Security]",string2, "Ok", "");
					format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d] [The FreeRoam Security] has Banned %s for AFK",d,m,y,h,mi,s,ime);
					SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
//------[end of foreach]
//------[end of timer]
return 1;
//------------------[ANTICHEAT COMMANDS]---------------------
CMD:anticheat(playerid, params[])
		SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "[The FreeRoam]: You Should Logged In Rcon ");
		return 1;
	new string[900];
	new komande[] = "1. Turn ON/OFF: Too High Ping\n2. Turn ON/OFF: Anti JetPack-a\n3. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Speed Hack\n4. Turn ON/OFF: Bad Weapons\n5. Turn ON/OFF: Anti RCON Hack\n6. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Swear\n7. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Drive By\n8. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Bunny Hop\n9. Turn ON/OFF: Anti AirBrake\n10. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Money Hack";
	new komande2[] = "\n11. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Health Hack\n12. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Armour Hack\n13. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Interior Hack\n14. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Fly Hack\n15. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Teleport[1]\n16. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Teleport[2] \n17. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Vehicle Repair\n18. Turn ON/OFF: Anti Spam\n19. Turn ON/OFF: Anti AFK";
	format(string, sizeof(string),"{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6}%s",komande,komande2);
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 19999, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "[Setting AntiCheat]",string, "Ok", "Cancle");
	return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
		if(dialogid == 19999)
				if(listitem == 0) // too high ping
				if(VP == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off High Ping Detection");
				        VP = 0;
					else if(VP == 0)
					    SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on High Ping Detection");
				        VP = 1;
				else if(listitem == 1) // anti jetpack
				    if(PJP == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti JetPack");
				        PJP = 0;
					else if(PJP == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti JetPack");
				        PJP = 1;
				else if(listitem == 2)// bad weapons
				    if(ZO == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Bad Weapons Detection");
				        ZO = 0;
					else if(ZO == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Bad Weapons Detection!");
				        ZO = 1;
				else if(listitem == 3) // rcon protection
				    if(RCONZ == 1)
				        RCONZ = 0;
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti RCON Hack!");
					else if(RCONZ == 0)
                        RCONZ = 1;
						SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Atni RCON Hack");
				else if(listitem == 4) // Anti Swear
				    if(ZR == 1)
				        ZR = 0;
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Swear!");
					else if(ZR == 0)
                        ZR = 1;
						SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Swear");
				else if(listitem == 5)// drive by
				    if(DBP == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Atni Drive By!");
				        DBP = 0;
					else if(DBP == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Drive By!");
				        DBP = 1;
				else if(listitem == 6)// bunny hop
				    if(BHP == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Bunny Hop!");
				        BHP = 0;
					else if(BHP == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Bunny Hop!");
				        BHP = 1;
				else if(listitem == 7)// air brake
				    if(PAB == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti AirBrake!");
				        PAB = 0;
					else if(PAB == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti AirBrake!");
				        PAB = 1;
				else if(listitem == 8)// anty money
				    if(NN == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Money Hack!");
				        NN = 0;
					else if(NN == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Money Hack!");
				        NN = 1;
				else if(listitem == 9)// anti health
				    if(NH == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Health Hack!");
				        NH = 0;
					else if(NH == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Health Hack!");
				        NH = 1;
				else if(listitem == 10)// anti armour
				    if(NA == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Armour Hack!");
				        NA = 0;
					else if(NA == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Armour Hack!");
				        NA = 1;
				else if(listitem == 11)// anti interior teleport
				    if(NT == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Teleport[INT]!!!");
				        NT = 0;
					else if(NT == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Teleport[INT]!!!");
				        NT = 1;
				else if(listitem == 12)// anti fly hack
				    if(FP == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Fly Hack!");
				        FP = 0;
					else if(FP == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Fly Hack!");
				        FP = 1;
				else if(listitem == 13)// anti teleport[1]
				    if(ANT == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Teleport[1]");
				        ANT = 0;
					else if(ANT == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Teleport[1]!");
				        ANT = 1;
				else if(listitem == 14)// anti teleport[2]
				    if(ANT2 == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Teleport[2]");
				        ANT2 = 0;
					else if(ANT2 == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Teleport[2]!");
				        ANT2 = 1;
				else if(listitem == 15)// anti spam
				    if(AS == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti Spam");
				        AS = 0;
					else if(AS == 16)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti Spam!");
				        AS = 1;
				else if(listitem == 17)// anti afk
				    if(AAFK == 1)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned off Anti AFK");
				        AAFK = 0;
					else if(AAFK == 0)
				        SendClientMessage(playerid, BELA, "{FF0000}[The FreeRoam Security]:{46BEE6} You have turned on Anti AFK!");
				        AAFK = 1;
		return 1;

Messages In This Thread
anti cheat problem - by ashwinsekhari - 09.11.2012, 13:30
Re: anti cheat problem - by ashwinsekhari - 09.11.2012, 13:41
Re: anti cheat problem - by Astralis - 09.11.2012, 13:47
Re: anti cheat problem - by park4bmx - 09.11.2012, 13:48
Re: anti cheat problem - by ashwinsekhari - 09.11.2012, 13:49
Re: anti cheat problem - by park4bmx - 09.11.2012, 13:51
Re: anti cheat problem - by ashwinsekhari - 09.11.2012, 13:52
Re: anti cheat problem - by ashwinsekhari - 09.11.2012, 14:05
Re: anti cheat problem - by park4bmx - 09.11.2012, 14:06

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