[Include] PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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This is more a snippet than an include. You just used Dini as a crap saving method, some variables and hooking....Improve it.... Waiting for it

Edit: Why timer? If players joins and the server restarts (including crashes etc...) the average will not save.
Dini is good for this as I do not need to save COMPLETE userdata files.

For the rest, you should take a closer look at the code. It's crash-safe.

Messages In This Thread
PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by Jochemd - 06.11.2012, 17:59
Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by TheArcher - 06.11.2012, 18:10
Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by Jochemd - 06.11.2012, 18:15
Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by TheArcher - 06.11.2012, 18:22
Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by Hiddos - 06.11.2012, 18:55
Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by TheArcher - 06.11.2012, 19:03
Respuesta: Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by Marricio - 09.11.2012, 19:39
Re: Respuesta: Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by TheArcher - 10.11.2012, 08:26
Re: Respuesta: Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by Jochemd - 10.11.2012, 08:47
Re: Respuesta: Re: PlayerAverage Calc. v1.0 - by Marricio - 10.11.2012, 12:42

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