just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost

It will only show the ping from the website to the router, not your ping to their router.

Messages In This Thread
just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 02:08
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by Mrkrabz - 06.11.2012, 02:09
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 02:13
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by Mrkrabz - 06.11.2012, 02:16
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 03:13
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 06.11.2012, 04:54
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by linuxthefish - 06.11.2012, 06:44
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 06:57
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by linuxthefish - 06.11.2012, 07:24
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by Mauzen - 06.11.2012, 08:26

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