06.11.2012, 05:34
Last edited by ReneG; 28/07/2013 at 06:24 AM.
MySQL Example Account Script
WARNING: Not for scripters unfamiliar with MySQL.
AboutWARNING: Not for scripters unfamiliar with MySQL.
I quickly made this script to hopefully encourage the use of the most up-to-date methods of MySQL, and to encourage scripters to practice password-salting. This script includes.ImageGitHub
- A very basic dialog-based, login/register feature.
- Salted passwords, hashed with Whirlpool.
- Use of threaded queries with the advantage of the cache functions for lighting fast data parsing.
BlueG - MySQL Plugin
RyDeR` - Random string function used as the salt
Emmet_ - Easydialog include
AndreT - His tutorial on the cache functions
****** - Whirlpool
Glint - Tutorial on password salting
VincentDunn - Writing the script
You are free to do whatever you want with this script.