just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost

None it uses icmp echo packets. echo-request is most likely blocked. Why do you need to ping it?

If you are trying to join his server or something, make sure the server port is opened.

Messages In This Thread
just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 02:08
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by Mrkrabz - 06.11.2012, 02:09
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 02:13
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by Mrkrabz - 06.11.2012, 02:16
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 03:13
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 06.11.2012, 04:54
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by linuxthefish - 06.11.2012, 06:44
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by [UE]Milan - 06.11.2012, 06:57
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by linuxthefish - 06.11.2012, 07:24
Re: just-ping.com 100 % Packets lost - by Mauzen - 06.11.2012, 08:26

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