DUVIDA curta

olб й o seguinte estou fazendo um portгo com comando de abrir e ele feche sozinho depois de 5 segundos mas ta dando uns erros aqui e gostaria que vcs me ajudassem este й o comando que estou seguindo : http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...RT%C3O+COMANDO , e essas sгo as linhas com 3 erros :

C:\Users\windows\Desktop\Samp\gamemodes\Untitled.p wn(241) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\windows\Desktop\Samp\gamemodes\Untitled.p wn(246) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\windows\Desktop\Samp\gamemodes\Untitled.p wn(382) : error 017: undefined symbol "MoveDynamicObject"
C:\Users\windows\Desktop\Samp\gamemodes\Untitled.p wn(163) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "MoverP"
C:\Users\windows\Desktop\Samp\gamemodes\Untitled.p wn(167) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "entrandointerior"
C:\Users\windows\Desktop\Samp\gamemodes\Untitled.p wn(16 : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "sairdointerior"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.

linhas aqui:

linha :241 if(strcmp(cmd, "/abrirportao", true) == 0)

e essa:
linha: 246 return true;

e essa:
linha :382 MoveDynamicObject(MoverP, 2483.91113281,-1677.13256836,17.11679268, 2);

porfavor me ajuda!!!! dou rep + para quem me ajudar!!

Messages In This Thread
DUVIDA curta - by kennedy_samp - 05.11.2012, 14:10
Re: DUVIDA curta - by death1 - 05.11.2012, 14:19
Re: DUVIDA curta - by kennedy_samp - 05.11.2012, 14:22
Re: DUVIDA curta - by Nill.Oliveira - 05.11.2012, 14:24
Re: DUVIDA curta - by kennedy_samp - 05.11.2012, 14:25
Re: DUVIDA curta - by Nill.Oliveira - 05.11.2012, 14:28
Re: DUVIDA curta - by kennedy_samp - 05.11.2012, 14:36
Re: DUVIDA curta - by kennedy_samp - 05.11.2012, 15:06

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