Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal...

Oh ric... You got a box in the bottom left of the page to select the language. Also the guy above me is right, it happened a lot to me in the past...

Messages In This Thread
Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal... - by ricardo178 - 04.11.2012, 22:24
Re: Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal... - by linuxthefish - 04.11.2012, 22:27
Re: Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal... - by Mr.Tony - 05.11.2012, 01:01
Re: Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal... - by Luis- - 05.11.2012, 01:08
Re: Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal... - by DBan - 05.11.2012, 01:47
Re: Sa-mp forums was in Russian, than normal... - by Kimossab - 05.11.2012, 11:05

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