How long have you not played sa-mp?

I'ving problem during 2009 up to 2010.

My game GTA SA is corrupt i don't know how to fix it in that time.

So base on me, i've not been played SA-MP for 2 years because of a small problem.

Messages In This Thread
How long have you not played sa-mp? - by Jantjuh - 04.11.2012, 10:37
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by Vince - 04.11.2012, 10:44
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by [UE]Milan - 04.11.2012, 10:47
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by Si|ent - 04.11.2012, 10:55
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by JaKe Elite - 04.11.2012, 10:58
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by TheArcher - 04.11.2012, 11:21
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by Black Wolf - 04.11.2012, 13:20
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by Epic_Mickey - 04.11.2012, 13:50
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by DaizeN - 04.11.2012, 18:32
Re: How long have you not played sa-mp? - by Face9000 - 06.11.2012, 19:54

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