SA:MP on Windows 8

Derp, SA-MP always runned smoothly on my PC. I got Win 8 and Win 7 on this PC (You can select which partition you would like to start when starting up the PC), and a clean Win 8 is as fast as my Win 7 with ~200gb files on the HDD. Which means Win 8 is faster indeed. However, running games doesn't make a difference at all. SA(MP) loads just as fast as on Windows 7

Messages In This Thread
SA:MP on Windows 8 - by Dr.Einstein - 03.11.2012, 05:06
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by Team_PRO - 03.11.2012, 05:30
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by marmigs - 03.11.2012, 11:23
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by [MM]Eminem - 03.11.2012, 12:18
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by XtremeR - 03.11.2012, 12:22
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by Tamer - 03.11.2012, 12:40
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by Biesmen - 03.11.2012, 12:49
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by PrinceOfDerpness - 03.11.2012, 13:24
Re: SA:MP on Windows 8 - by BlackBank - 03.11.2012, 14:48
Re : SA:MP on Windows 8 - by P.Banks - 03.11.2012, 15:50

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