Help finish an old Baitcar FS

Something like

foreach(Player, i)
new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); // Getting the pos of the person who did /baitcar, you should place this out of the loop though
SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, x, y, z, 3.0);

Messages In This Thread
Help finish an old Baitcar FS - by jakejohnsonusa - 31.10.2012, 22:06
Re: Help finish an old Baitcar FS - by Stu1 - 31.10.2012, 22:11
Re: Help finish an old Baitcar FS - by jakejohnsonusa - 31.10.2012, 23:13
Re: Help finish an old Baitcar FS - by jakejohnsonusa - 01.11.2012, 20:45
Re: Help finish an old Baitcar FS - by jakejohnsonusa - 02.11.2012, 00:36
Re: Help finish an old Baitcar FS - by RLGaming - 02.11.2012, 00:39

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