I'm having some trouble with Fraps..

"Always record to a different harddrive. If you record on the same harddrive the game is located you can experience a huge framedrop. Except when you have an SSD though."

I did, I am downloading L.A. Noire though, that could be causing the issue, but, I don't believe it would because I've done it before without downloading and it lags..

"I hope you didn't put the wrong parts on the wrong places ... XD

Nah just kidding but what kinda pc specs do you have?"

My specs:

AMD Phenom x4 965 Black edition
AMD Radeon 6870 1 GB
4 GB Kensington ram
Seagate 7200 RPM 250 GB
Hitachi 7200 RPM 80gb (for my steam games and video)
Corsair CX500w power supply

Messages In This Thread
I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 16:56
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Danyal - 01.11.2012, 17:55
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by linuxthefish - 01.11.2012, 18:06
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 18:13
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Epic_Mickey - 01.11.2012, 18:24
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 18:35
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Epic_Mickey - 01.11.2012, 18:43
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by playbox12 - 01.11.2012, 18:45
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 18:48
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by DuelZ - 01.11.2012, 18:51

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