I'm having some trouble with Fraps..

Originally Posted by Haydn
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I just made this thing. It is perfectly capable of recording. My uncles 550ti and almost EXACTLY the same specs can do it.
I hope you didn't put the wrong parts on the wrong places ... XD

Nah just kidding but what kinda pc specs do you have?

Messages In This Thread
I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 16:56
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Danyal - 01.11.2012, 17:55
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by linuxthefish - 01.11.2012, 18:06
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 18:13
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Epic_Mickey - 01.11.2012, 18:24
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 18:35
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Epic_Mickey - 01.11.2012, 18:43
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by playbox12 - 01.11.2012, 18:45
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by Haydn - 01.11.2012, 18:48
Re: I'm having some trouble with Fraps.. - by DuelZ - 01.11.2012, 18:51

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