Legit or Non-Legit Copyright? You tell me

Originally Posted by RockingCamman
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Did some more investigating on this, and he said Canadian Gaming, but Canadian Gaming copyright belongs to these awesome people

www.canadiangaming.ca and they have nothing related to SA-MP... so is it possible I can report him for impersonation
It's possible that you can report him for impersonation as long as you have evidence.With evidence you have a strong chance to win the case and I'm already investigating it.But Hashish have a copy-right and I think he had a evidence that you are copy infrigment'ing.Well Copy-Right will be created when the founder/creator of the server is creating once the name was created,the name will now automatically have a Copyright protection.As I saw the picture he had a license and a lawyer if this goes on the court you have no chance to win it unless if you have proof of it and a lawyer.You really need a lawyer in this kind of situation.

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