31.10.2012, 22:37
You just need to understand the basics of program flow.
pawn Код:
IRCCMD:acmds(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[])
if (IRC_IsHalfop(botid, channel, user))
IRC_Notice(gGroupID,user,"IRC ADMIN COMMANDS");
IRC_Notice(gGroupID,user,"Admin commands: !kick - !ban - !rcon - !announce - !freeze - !unfreeze - !explode - !mute - !unmute - !ip - !a - !money - !sall - !score - !banip - !unbanip - !hparm - !hostname - !mapname - !clearchat - !drop - !last - !serverstats - !gmx - !getweps - !stats - !warn - !ping - !setvip - !setlevel");
return 1; // if the user is a half op, then you can return here to stop the command from going on and sending the rest of the messages
if (IRC_IsOp(botid, channel, user))
IRC_Notice(gGroupID,user,"IRC ADMIN COMMANDS");
IRC_Notice(gGroupID,user,"Admin commands: !kick - !ban - !rcon - !announce - !freeze - !unfreeze - !explode");
return 1; // same thing
if (IRC_IsVoice(botid, channel, user))
IRC_Notice(gGroupID,user,"For players command, type !cmds"); // you don't need to return here since the command will return 1 below automatically if the user isn't "voice"
return 1;