[FilterScript] IP Ban by Name System

Hello guys , i made a ban system .

It see the name and then it IP Ban that player , if that name is not allowed .

Easy to use . Just change the name .
The names i used are Lol , lul and lolz , because they can hack your server if someone joins with that names

You can add new names using these lines under OnPlayerConnect :

pawn Код:
else if(!strcmp(pName, "//name not allowed here", true))
       SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PINK,"This name is not allowed");
Hope you like it . Download link :

Mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/?b4yoafddhoj1lnl
Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/G3rtJ09Q

Now for the people who don't like the ban system , can use the kick system.
It is same , but this one just will kick them !
Download links :

Mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/?eux5j9gmf6ctbgs
Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/AjjwYNtJ

Screens of kicking system :

Feel free to rep+ .

No mirrors please .
Use it for changes , but don't remove credits .
If wanna share it , get permission please.


Messages In This Thread
IP Ban by Name System - by Private200 - 31.10.2012, 15:18
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by Patrick - 31.10.2012, 15:24
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by Christian7073 - 31.10.2012, 15:29
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by Private200 - 31.10.2012, 15:40
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by tyler12 - 31.10.2012, 15:57
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by Private200 - 31.10.2012, 15:59
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by tyler12 - 31.10.2012, 16:04
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by Private200 - 31.10.2012, 16:20
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by tyler12 - 31.10.2012, 16:24
Re: IP Ban by Name System - by Edvin - 31.10.2012, 17:09

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