Loading Error

pawn Код:
stock LoadContacts(playerid)
    new str[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+20];
    format(str, MAX_PLAYER_NAME+4, "contacts/%s.cfg",GetPlayerNameEx(playerid));
    if(!fexist(str)) fcreate(str);
    new binfo[2][MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    new string[256];
    new File:file = fopen(str, io_read);
        new idx = 1;
        while(idx < 20)
            fread(file, string);
            split(string, binfo, '|');
            format(Contacts[playerid][idx], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "%s", binfo[0]);
            format(ContactsNum[playerid][idx], 6, "%s", binfo[1]);
    print("Contacts loaded successfully.");
    return 1;
This code opens the files of wrong players, I.e sometimes I'm online when someone else logs on he's got the information that I should have.
Any help is appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Loading Error - by maramizo - 29.10.2012, 19:59
Re: Loading Error - by maramizo - 29.10.2012, 20:35
Re: Loading Error - by maramizo - 29.10.2012, 21:20
Re: Loading Error - by maramizo - 30.10.2012, 04:36
Re: Loading Error - by maramizo - 30.10.2012, 05:49

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