Warning 213: Tag Mismatch

Hey Im sad because of this warning:
D:\Jocuri\SAMP SERVERS\Stuntage Revolution World\gamemodes\samp.pwn(1034) : warning 213: tag mismatch
Here is the code:
At the top of script:
#define version 2.3
On player connect:
        new CONNECTINFO[2024];
	strcat(CONNECTINFO, "Welcome to Stunt Revolution World\n");
	strcat(CONNECTINFO, "Current version of server: %d\n\n", version);
	SPD(playerid, connect, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""L"Stunt "W"Revolution "L"World", CONNECTINFO, "Close", "");
How can i solve this?

Messages In This Thread
Warning 213: Tag Mismatch - by xplor09edy - 27.10.2012, 05:47
Re: Warning 213: Tag Mismatch - by [HK]Ryder[AN] - 27.10.2012, 05:52
Re: Warning 213: Tag Mismatch - by xplor09edy - 27.10.2012, 05:57

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