Gta Sa and Samp stopped working.

Reinstall SA-MP, and if that fails run diskcheck.

Messages In This Thread
Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by Gangster-rocks - 26.10.2012, 16:45
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by linuxthefish - 26.10.2012, 16:48
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by Gangster-rocks - 26.10.2012, 16:52
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by V1ceC1ty - 26.10.2012, 16:54
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by Gangster-rocks - 26.10.2012, 16:55
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by V1ceC1ty - 26.10.2012, 16:57
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by [UE]Milan - 26.10.2012, 17:47
Re: Gta Sa and Samp stopped working. - by Gangster-rocks - 26.10.2012, 17:59

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