'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist"


error 017: undefined symbol "fExist"

I have this error for some reasons, all my includes, plugins whatever are they

I have the #include for YSI and shiz, I put the GM in a folder wheres theres another GM which uses Y_INI and that doesn't get that error

Code of error:
pawn Код:
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "", "", "Login!", "Cancel");
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "", "", "Register!", "Cancel");
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by RLGaming - 24.10.2012, 22:44
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by JaKe Elite - 24.10.2012, 22:48
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by RLGaming - 24.10.2012, 22:57
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by Youice - 24.10.2012, 23:13
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by RLGaming - 24.10.2012, 23:30
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by Steven82 - 25.10.2012, 02:04
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by JaKe Elite - 25.10.2012, 02:12
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by Steven82 - 25.10.2012, 02:27
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by -=Dar[K]Lord=- - 25.10.2012, 05:09
Re: 'error 017: undefined symbol "fExist" - by RLGaming - 25.10.2012, 10:19

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