*** Terrible Title Removed


I basically want to know how I can remove the [<< >> Spawn] and make it so it just spawns at a location according to their enum etc. I've messed around with SetSpawnInfo and stuff, though I'm not sure if it's something to do with TogglePlayerSpectating for the camera movement at the beginning? Just baffled and I know it's probably really easy :/

Messages In This Thread
*** Terrible Title Removed - by Anthony © - 24.10.2012, 17:00
Re: I'm probably dumb. - by Riddick94 - 24.10.2012, 17:03
Re: I'm probably dumb. - by fiki574 - 24.10.2012, 17:08
Re: I'm probably dumb. - by Anthony © - 24.10.2012, 19:05

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