Mapicon isn't streamed correctly


Can someone give me a hand with this? I'm trying to fix this, but it seems nothing helps.

PlayerCheckIcon[playerid]=CreateDynamicMapIcon(x, y, z, 41, 0xFF0000FF, -1, -1, playerid, 60000.0);
I want this icon to display always, but it's only showing up when I come real close. In my script, it's used to make checkpoints more recognizable (since we have a red factioncolor and the checkpoint icon itself changed in 0.3e) so if it's only visible when I'm a few units away from it, it's useless.



Messages In This Thread
Mapicon isn't streamed correctly - by Danny - 23.10.2012, 10:34
Re: Mapicon isn't streamed correctly - by Red_Dragon. - 23.10.2012, 11:26
Re: Mapicon isn't streamed correctly - by Danny - 23.10.2012, 11:51

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