The impossible happened.

Make a new account on your PC, make it admin. Install GTA on that and see.

Messages In This Thread
The impossible happened. - by park4bmx - 22.10.2012, 16:45
Re: The impossible happened. - by Lordzy - 22.10.2012, 16:51
Re: The impossible happened. - by park4bmx - 22.10.2012, 16:53
Re: The impossible happened. - by Robert_Crawford - 22.10.2012, 18:52
Re: The impossible happened. - by Deathh - 22.10.2012, 20:46
Re: The impossible happened. - by GtaResource - 22.10.2012, 21:42
Re: The impossible happened. - by park4bmx - 22.10.2012, 21:55
Re: The impossible happened. - by GtaResource - 22.10.2012, 21:58

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