Methods of floats..

new Float:treePos[8][3]={
looks a lot better, using the previously mentioned methods, i prefer to order the numbers with leading zeros tho:
new Float:treePos[8][3]={
..its a bit easier to read.
the variable treeExists[] is redundant imo, if you create an object, it will never return 0 (as object id), so any created obejct will write the returned id into treeObj[], therefore you can simply check for the object existance like
instead using treeExists[]
hm.. i think the code can be optimized furthermore, but youll face that later (like hashing back object ids in another array, like a two-sided pointer from 1 array to another and vice versa)

Messages In This Thread
Methods of floats.. - by 2KY - 22.10.2012, 13:35
Re: Methods of floats.. - by XRabbit - 22.10.2012, 13:45
Re: Methods of floats.. - by Babul - 22.10.2012, 15:07
Re: Methods of floats.. - by 2KY - 22.10.2012, 15:21
Re: Methods of floats.. - by Babul - 22.10.2012, 19:08

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