define - IF

Still, I do not understand what it is that you're actually trying to achieve. This isn't something a professional programmer would ever consent to write.

You might want to do something about your English as well. "I want to do define that have IF..." is not an understandable sentence.

Messages In This Thread
define - IF - by Swimor - 18.10.2012, 13:30
Re: define - IF - by Roel - 18.10.2012, 13:35
Re: define - IF - by Swimor - 18.10.2012, 13:36
Re: define - IF - by Vince - 18.10.2012, 13:40
Re: define - IF - by Swimor - 18.10.2012, 13:41
Re: define - IF - by Vince - 18.10.2012, 13:44
Re: define - IF - by Mauzen - 18.10.2012, 14:26

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