Help Me | Samp Server 0.3e Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Originally Posted by VIP475
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Create a new user in control panel,that's the way to fix it,only. I had the same problem.

Get the back ups.

Don't delete your current user,incase if this won't work.

I do not know.

Messages In This Thread
Help Me | Samp Server 0.3e Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library - by gtadoneteen - 17.10.2012, 08:18
Re: Help Me | Samp Server 0.3e Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library - by VIP475 - 17.10.2012, 08:19
Re: Help Me | Samp Server 0.3e Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library - by gtadoneteen - 17.10.2012, 08:53

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