Pickup's refuse to show

I recommend you to use this plugin https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865 for this kinds of stuff ...
CreateDynamicPickup(modelid, type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 100.0);

Messages In This Thread
Pickup's refuse to show - by iTorran - 12.10.2012, 13:01
Re: Pickup's refuse to show - by MrReBzz - 12.10.2012, 13:04
Re: Pickup's refuse to show - by iTorran - 12.10.2012, 13:17
Re: Pickup's refuse to show - by iTorran - 15.10.2012, 15:50
Re: Pickup's refuse to show - by Randy More - 15.10.2012, 15:58
Re : Pickup's refuse to show - by yusei - 15.10.2012, 15:59
Re: Re : Pickup's refuse to show - by iTorran - 15.10.2012, 16:02
Re : Pickup's refuse to show - by yusei - 15.10.2012, 16:05
Re: Pickup's refuse to show - by iTorran - 15.10.2012, 16:12
Re: Pickup's refuse to show - by Jessyy - 15.10.2012, 16:59

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