ORDER BY problem.

Hi guys

I want to make a top with best 10 players by time played on server.
CMD:otime( playerid, params[ ] )
	return mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `Accounts` ORDER BY `Online` DESC LIMIT 10", THREAD_SHOW_TOP_ACTIVE, playerid );
and the thread:
mysql_store_result( );

			if ( !IsPlayerConnected( extraid ) )
			    return mysql_free_result( );

        	gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
				p_I = 1,
				p_Name[ 11 ][ 24 ],
				p_Online[ 11 ][ 10 ]
			while( mysql_retrieve_row( ) )
			    mysql_get_field( "Name", p_Name[ p_I ] );
			    mysql_get_field( "Online", p_Online[ p_I ] );

			 	format( gsString, 1024, "%s{FF0000}%d{FFFFFF}) Name: {FFFF00}%s {FFFFFF}| Online Time: {FFFF00}%s\n",
			 	gsString, p_I, p_Name[ p_I ], p_Online[ p_I ] );

			mysql_free_result( );

			format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s\n\n{00FF00}The best players of this server are here!\n\
			                                    Regards for these names!", gsString );

			ShowPlayerDialog( extraid, DIALOG_EMPTY, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Top {FF0000}10 {FFFFFF}Active Users", gsString, "Ok", "" );
			return 1;
It showing the players with played time between 9 and 10 hours

Messages In This Thread
ORDER BY problem. - by Edvin - 14.10.2012, 13:17

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