How can I break down the car engine?

Hey there!
I have a little problem. I created a timer that checks the car health, If it's below 250, it will restore it to exactly 250, so the car doesn't blow up (the code is below). I also want the car engine to stop when the health is below the limit, so the player would be forced to somehow, repair the car, or change it. How can I do that in my code?
public OnFilterScriptInit()
	return 1;


forward carhealthcheck();
public carhealthcheck()
    new Float:vhp;
    for(new vehicleid; vehicleid<MAX_VEHICLES;vehicleid++)
		if(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid)==0)continue; //only returns 0 when vehicle is invalid (not spawned)

Messages In This Thread
How can I break down the car engine? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 13.10.2012, 15:17
Re : How can I break down the car engine? - by lelemaster - 13.10.2012, 15:22
Re: How can I break down the car engine? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 13.10.2012, 15:34
Re: How can I break down the car engine? - by JhnzRep - 13.10.2012, 15:57
Re: How can I break down the car engine? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 13.10.2012, 16:04
Re: How can I break down the car engine? - by JhnzRep - 13.10.2012, 16:05
Re : How can I break down the car engine? - by lelemaster - 13.10.2012, 16:24
Re: How can I break down the car engine? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 13.10.2012, 20:03

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