success == 0

Heyy everyone! My server use only ZCMD, no any strcmp and i wanna if a player use a non existent command to say:
{00C0FF}This Command Don't {FFFFFF}Exist{00C0FF}.
but at my server say:
SERVER:Unknow Command.
So, how can i change unknow command to " {00C0FF}This Command Don't {FFFFFF}Exist{00C0FF}. " ?

Messages In This Thread
success == 0 - by xplor09edy - 12.10.2012, 07:44
AW: success == 0 - by BiosMarcel - 12.10.2012, 07:49
Re: success == 0 - by TzAkS. - 12.10.2012, 07:50

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