What has happened?

Originally Posted by Riddy
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Miss the old days. Use to be 10x better.
The funny thing is, we actually used to talk together (not much though) and I still remember you when you were a small cluck on these forums, with almost no posts Lucy_Arrow maybe?

// I came back for scripting. I might be starting a log and start developing a small roleplay server from a base script (because I fucking suck at user account systems and starting off) (I am using iNorton's base script with Y_INI and nothing much in it) If you are intrested in betatesting or supporting me, skype is: cokeneverfails

Messages In This Thread
What has happened? - by Everybody - 04.10.2012, 15:08
Re: What has happened? - by Red_Dragon. - 04.10.2012, 15:11
Re: What has happened? - by linuxthefish - 04.10.2012, 17:55
Re: What has happened? - by Deathh - 04.10.2012, 19:14
Re: What has happened? - by Everybody - 04.10.2012, 19:22
Re: What has happened? - by CJ101 - 04.10.2012, 19:23
Re: What has happened? - by ColorHost-Kevin - 04.10.2012, 19:32
Re: What has happened? - by linuxthefish - 04.10.2012, 20:09
Re: What has happened? - by Riddy - 04.10.2012, 20:12
Re: What has happened? - by Everybody - 04.10.2012, 21:04

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