What has happened?

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Live with it, times have changed and people don't enjoy playing SA-MP like they used to. I can only recommend Hostile Core, it was the only "proper" RP server although it's closed afaik. As for new gaming terms, i think it's a good idea people are trying to introduce new stuff.

BTW, there is normally one of these topics every month...
Times have changed, but not all for bad. Yes, there a rediculous amount of RP servers, but half of them will go up for a month and then shut down due to funds or no players. Yes, i agree with your recommendation. I used to play west side, but they did a stupid update, so i quit that and eventually said the hell with RP servers. However, themed RP servers are always good, such as Cops and Robbers, sims, farm, whatever. (If someone actually see's this and makes a sims server - cookies to you.) I Will also continue to miss the Official Tab. The hosted tab is a nice idea, but it is overloaded with servers that have 0 players online most of the time. (Hosted Tab Requirements plz)

And new stuff is always good.

Messages In This Thread
What has happened? - by Everybody - 04.10.2012, 15:08
Re: What has happened? - by Red_Dragon. - 04.10.2012, 15:11
Re: What has happened? - by linuxthefish - 04.10.2012, 17:55
Re: What has happened? - by Deathh - 04.10.2012, 19:14
Re: What has happened? - by Everybody - 04.10.2012, 19:22
Re: What has happened? - by CJ101 - 04.10.2012, 19:23
Re: What has happened? - by ColorHost-Kevin - 04.10.2012, 19:32
Re: What has happened? - by linuxthefish - 04.10.2012, 20:09
Re: What has happened? - by Riddy - 04.10.2012, 20:12
Re: What has happened? - by Everybody - 04.10.2012, 21:04

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