Weapon array

Originally Posted by SaYrOn
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Create weapon array, under command add string variable( weapon[20], for example), and then do a loop something like:

for(new i; i < sizeof(sWeapons); i++)
       if(strcmp(sWeapons[i], weapon) == 0)
                   // Do smth if weapon that player entered is same with some weapon from the array
Will try it thanks RPed.
Originally Posted by ******
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I would say look up the "k" specifier to write a custom sscanf specifier.
Didn't know i can write a custom specifier :O
Thanks i'll take a look about sscanf topic.

Messages In This Thread
Weapon array - by CoDeZ - 03.10.2012, 09:31
Re: Weapon array - by CoDeZ - 03.10.2012, 21:30

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