03.10.2012, 12:05
Cars /i translate some parts quickly..
Objects and picups are not in mysql database. They r all added with hands..
Because when i add cars, house pickups are still can visible. And also spreys..
Bu enterance pickups, objects which one all in PWN, we cant see.. I dont understand that why the reason is cars ? dont know..
//==============[ Cars]=============================================// //========================================== // << Database >> //========================================== printf("\nMod STARTING.. ((Adım [4])):Cars loading"); new loadedcarnumbe = 1, spawntime = 60000; for(new vehicleid = 1; vehicleid <= ToplamArac; vehicleid++) { if(vehicleid <= 18) // Temizlik Araзları { spawntime = 10;SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Motor", 0);SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Benzin", 60); //SaveVehicleInfoStr(vehicleid, "Owner", "R Temizlik Sirketi"); İsimlerini değiştirmek isterseniz.. } else if(vehicleid > 18 && vehicleid <= 36) // Taksi { spawntime = 60; SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Motor", 0);SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Benzin", 60); //SaveVehicleInfoStr(vehicleid, "Owner", "Station Taksi Duragi"); İsimlerini değiştirmek isterseniz.. } else if(vehicleid > 36 && vehicleid <= 46) // Otobьs { spawntime = 10; SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Motor", 0);SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Benzin", 60); //SaveVehicleInfoStr(vehicleid, "Owner", "Station Otobus Duragi"); İsimlerini değiştirmek isterseniz.. } else if(vehicleid > 57 && vehicleid <= 66) // Tır { spawntime = 10; SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Motor", 0);SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Benzin", 60); //SaveVehicleInfoStr(vehicleid, "Owner", "R Tasimacilik Sirketi"); İsimlerini değiştirmek isterseniz.. } else { spawntime = 60000; } vehicleid = CreateVehicle( GetVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Model"), GetVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Locationx"), GetVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Locationy"), GetVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Locationz"), GetVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Angle"), GetVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Renk1"), GetVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Renk2"), spawnsuresi); AracAyarlariUygula(vehicleid); if(GetVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Can") < 300) { SaveVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Can", 301); SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,0,AracFar[vehicleid],0,AracKilit[vehicleid],AracKaput[vehicleid],AracBagaj[vehicleid],0); SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Motor", 0); AracMotor[vehicleid] = 0; } if(GetVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Benzin") <= 0) { SaveVehicleInfoFlo(vehicleid, "Benzin", 0); SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,0,AracFar[vehicleid],0,AracKilit[vehicleid],AracKaput[vehicleid],AracBagaj[vehicleid],0); SaveVehicleInfoInt(vehicleid, "Motor", 0); AracMotor[vehicleid] = 0; AracBenzin[vehicleid] = 0; } loadedcarnumber++; } if(ToplamArac == 0){print("Veri tabanınızda hiз araз bulunmuyor!");} else{printf("DB %d CAR, %d CAR LOADED SUCSCESFULL !",ToplamArac,yuklenenaracsayisi-1);} Kontrol4 = 1;
Because when i add cars, house pickups are still can visible. And also spreys..
Bu enterance pickups, objects which one all in PWN, we cant see.. I dont understand that why the reason is cars ? dont know..