Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues

The problem was my VGA driver. I went to a driver website and downloaded and reinstalled my VGA driver and now it runs perfectly

Messages In This Thread
Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues - by Joe_Dirt_Henchman - 01.10.2012, 14:47
Re: Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues - by Fac - 01.10.2012, 17:50
Re: Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues - by Fac - 01.10.2012, 17:57
Re: Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues - by daastle - 01.10.2012, 18:01
Re: Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues - by Tamer - 01.10.2012, 18:02
Re: Windows 7 Ultimate GTA issues - by Joe_Dirt_Henchman - 01.10.2012, 21:04

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