[Bug] SetPlayerControlable

Whe people are frozen, you can shoot them with weapons, nothing will happend.

But if you take a spray can, you go near the player an hit him, as you are too close from him,

you won't use spray but your elbow, so he will lost life.



Messages In This Thread
[Bug] TogglePlayerControllable - by scott1 - 30.09.2012, 09:24
Re: [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by Lordzy - 30.09.2012, 09:40
Re : [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by scott1 - 30.09.2012, 15:04
Re: Re : [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by Lordzy - 30.09.2012, 15:20
Re: [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by ikkentim - 30.09.2012, 19:30
Re : [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by scott1 - 01.10.2012, 06:48
Re: [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by Lordzy - 01.10.2012, 09:21
Re: [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by Jochemd - 01.10.2012, 16:37
Re : [Bug] SetPlayerControlable - by scott1 - 02.10.2012, 19:15

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