30.09.2012, 23:35
Video Ram is an important factor for games. If you play games a lot, having little video ram can significantly impact your FPS on big games, for example GTA IV. Usually, you want to push as many buffers into the video ram as possible(this especially applies to OpenGL) to avoid having to transfer information over the BUS from the RAM to the Video Card. The process of actually waiting for data to be transfered into the video ram takes a significant amount of time. Not to mention how fast shaders are if they never have to grab any extra information from the RAM/HDD. Worst case scenario would be to actually have to load a lot of files from the hard-drive, you preferably want to at least have it in RAM. Like a very good Game Developer once said: "If you load huge chunks of data from your HDD, it'd be as if you are waiting for the sun to cool down." So, whoever might have told you that video ram has no significance is very wrong. Why do you think did Video Ram explode so much recently(aka increased)? It's because more and more games rely on a lot of video ram these days. They save a lot of time loading intense data and thus can use that time to create even more amazing visual appearances or other stunning physical simulations. |
and some other specs that were mentioned above.