Best Anti Cheat/Hack System?

One that you make yourself.

If you use someone else's script there will always be parts that aren't 100% compatible with your server, likewise there will be things that your server needs it to have that it doesn't. All servers are different so people who just download a script and expect it to work probably shouldn't be running a server in the first place.

I hope that you are at least planning to use the one that you download as a base (once you find a decent one) and edit it accordingly to work with your server.

Messages In This Thread
Best Anti Cheat/Hack System? - by MrPlatinum - 30.09.2012, 14:05
Re: Best Anti Cheat/Hack System? - by Potassium - 30.09.2012, 21:34
Re: Best Anti Cheat/Hack System? - by Mauzen - 30.09.2012, 21:56
Re: Best Anti Cheat/Hack System? - by LuxurioN - 30.09.2012, 23:35
Re: Best Anti Cheat/Hack System? - by cessil - 01.10.2012, 02:11
Re: Best Anti Cheat/Hack System? - by Lordzy - 01.10.2012, 02:14

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