[help with Freeze / unfreeze command]

reason has to be a string. use
pawn Код:
new string[64];
and replace the z with an s in your sscanf line..
pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params, "us", ID, reason))

Messages In This Thread
[help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by basse - 30.09.2012, 11:39
Re: [help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by Joshman543 - 30.09.2012, 11:42
Re: [help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by basse - 30.09.2012, 11:45
Re: [help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by RedFusion - 30.09.2012, 11:51
Re: [help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by Joshman543 - 30.09.2012, 11:53
Re: [help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by basse - 30.09.2012, 11:58
Re: [help with Freeze / unfreeze command] - by newbienoob - 30.09.2012, 12:07

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