28.09.2012, 15:17
I have written a code to help you
![]() Code:
@ECHO OFF TITLE Compilation :: Replace "Source.pwn" in the line below with the name of your Pawn script file. SET FileName="Source.pwn" ( ECHO.Option Explicit ECHO.Dim Fso, Text, x ECHO.ReDim Lines^(0^) ECHO.Set Fso = CreateObject^("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^) ECHO.Set Text = Fso.OpenTextFile^(%FileName%^) ECHO.While Not Text.AtEndOfStream ECHO. x = Text.Line - 1 ECHO. ReDim Preserve Lines^(x^) ECHO. Lines^(x^) = Text.ReadLine^(^) ECHO. If InStr^(Lines^(x^), "const BuildNumber = "^) = 1 Then ECHO. Lines^(x^) = "const BuildNumber = " ^& CInt^(Mid^(Lines^(x^), 21, Len^(Lines^(x^)^) - 21^)^) + 1 ^& ";" ECHO. End If ECHO.Wend ECHO.Text.Close^(^) ECHO.Fso.DeleteFile^(%FileName%^) ECHO.Set Text = Fso.CreateTextFile^(%FileName%^) ECHO.For Each x In Lines ECHO. Text.WriteLine^(x^) ECHO.Next ECHO.Text.Close^(^) ) > Modify.vbs CSCRIPT //NOLOGO Modify.vbs DEL Modify.vbs PAWNCC %FileName% PAUSE > NUL Save this as a batch file and put it in the same folder of pawncc.exe ![]() Then move your Pawn script file to that folder and add this to the top of it: pawn Code:
The value of that constant will be increased by 1 and the compilation will happen each time you run the batch file ![]() I hope that I have helped ![]() |
Here eat a virtual cookie :P
EDIT: Can you tell me what exactly you did.