27.09.2012, 01:25
I'm using a filterscript MellAdmin and it use Dini for saving.
This is the stock..
In the thread is says
If I do /unban [Exact Name]
Status=2 must change to Status=0
This is the stock..
pawn Code:
stock DiniBanPlayer(playerid, admin[], reason[])
new file[128], date[16], year, month, day;
getdate(year, month, day);
format(date, sizeof(date), "%d/%d/%d", day, month, year);
format(file, sizeof(file), "/%s/%s.ini", DINI_PATH, GetName(playerid));
dini_IntSet(file, "Status", 2);
dini_Set(file, "BannedBy", admin);
dini_Set(file, "BanReason", reason);
dini_Set(file, "BanDate", date);
return 1;
pawn Code:
Status (0 = offline, 1 = online, 2 = banned)
Status=2 must change to Status=0