TextDraw Help +Rep

Well guys im trying to put a textdraw to my server
but when im puting it and go to the game it doesnt show it
Can Anyone Help Me Please?

I used:
pawn Код:
new Text:UStuntingTextDraw;
and the script is:
pawn Код:
UStuntingTextDraw = TextDrawCreate(4.000000,435.000000, "~r~Ultimate Freeroam ~l~- ~y~http://www.tufreeroamserver.forumsfree.org~l~- ~b~ ~l~- ~p~v1.6");
    TextDrawTextSize(UStuntingTextDraw, 640.0000, 22.5000);
Can Somebody Helps Me?

Messages In This Thread
TextDraw Help +Rep - by Pro_Drifter - 26.09.2012, 09:33
Re: TextDraw Help +Rep - by XtremeR - 26.09.2012, 09:34
Re: TextDraw Help +Rep - by Pro_Drifter - 26.09.2012, 09:36

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