Cash don't save until Kick.

Well, i have work a new GM from 0, and i have serious problem i use Y_INI
This is my GM:


1.- The player register(you recieve 5000$ on the start)
2 .- If you try to loggin whit the user account, and you press the "quit" button, the server Kick the player
3 .- Then if you going to see the Scriptfiles, the player file (.ini) has the line of the money on 0$ cash

Any explication, help me please! D: Thanks

Messages In This Thread
Cash don't save until Kick. - by CrossOv3r - 26.09.2012, 02:32
Re: Cash don't save until Kick. - by zDevon - 26.09.2012, 03:09
Re: Cash don't save until Kick. - by trapstar2020 - 26.09.2012, 03:46

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