Donator - Features?

Hm.. why not give them access to the Server's Panel, so they can turn it on and off? or maybe, /shutdownserverambored which runs Gamemoe_Exit();, this isnt troll its just you gotta learn to use the search system, theres numerous topics with the same question...

Messages In This Thread
Donator - Features? - by 'Pawno. - 24.09.2012, 05:27
Re: Donator - Features? - by angus_31 - 24.09.2012, 05:31
Re: Donator - Features? - by Jarnu - 24.09.2012, 06:09
Re: Donator - Features? - by trapstar2020 - 24.09.2012, 06:14
Re: Donator - Features? - by SupaVZ - 25.09.2012, 00:16
Re: Donator - Features? - by carz0159 - 25.09.2012, 01:03
Re: Donator - Features? - by lilmar - 25.09.2012, 03:04
Re: Donator - Features? - by Mauzen - 25.09.2012, 10:01
Re: Donator - Features? - by Riddy - 25.09.2012, 10:25
Re: Donator - Features? - by markuss99 - 25.09.2012, 18:19

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